This is the plan

Check out the plan below to see what you’ll get up to with your local host. Feel free to personalize this offer.

This is the plan


Morning: Morning: (take the tram 15E (from ‘Pç. Comércio’ or ‘Cais do Sodré’) to ‘Mosteiro dos Jerónimos’) ‘Monastery’ Mosteiro dos Jerónimos> Padrão dos Descobrimentos> ‘Tower’ Torre de Belém> CCB Centro Cultural de Belém;

Lunch: at the restaurant ‘ O Frade’ traditional food from Alentejo > eat ‘Pastéis de Belém’ (‘Pastel de Belém’ bakery shop);

Afternoon: (take the tram 15E or bus 714, 728 back to Cais do Sodré or ‘Pç. Comércio’) and stop in LX factory our Art District. Enjoy a wonderful drink there, visit the library and the cool stores.

Evening: Have a drink observing the sunset at ‘TOPO Mouraria’ bar;

Dinner: Restaurante ‘Maria da Mouraria’ ( only works from Wednesday to Sunday- nights of Fado) or ‘Ramiro’ (The best seafood experience in Town);

Nightlife: Go to Chapito for a drink